When do you feel most loved by your spouse? Now, that’s not only a question you can answer, but it’s also one you should ask. Coming up, Dr. Randy asks: When do you feel most loved by your spouse?” That’s not only something we want to hear, but your spouse should hear it as well.
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What is Intentional Living?
At Intentional Living, we have a passion to help people live intentionally in the five essential areas of life: Faith, Relationships, Health, Finances and Work. We’re motivated by our God-given mission, vision and message.
- Mission
Intentional Life Media is a Biblical, Christ-centered communications ministry dedicated to igniting transformation by affirming faith, inspiring hope and equipping each person into healthy relationships and growth in Christ. - Vision
To see individuals, families, churches and nations of the world transformed – as evidenced by individuals living an intentional life in Christ.
Note: If you need counseling for yourself or your marriage but you don’t know who to call, you might try the referral services of Focus on the Family (800-232-6459) or the American Association of Christian Counselors (800-526-8673).