How to Be an Intentional Parent – Part 2
The key verse for our ministry is: Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it. So… have you figured out what will please
The Intentional Life is a practical way of living as God would have you live, designed to help you solve common problems you encounter in your personal and family relationships. It will help you make better decisions in every area of your life. But more than that, Intentional Living can empower you to move beyond mere problem solving to achieve your greatest hopes for the future.
The Intentional Life is not a quest for perfection, but for personal and spiritual growth, and increased intimacy in your family and other significant relationships. Practiced daily, intentional living will free you to live a better, more fulfilled life in Christ.
Your decision to invest in the kingdom makes the Word of God available to anyone listening.
When listeners call in to say, “thank you for Intentional Living,” that appreciation is for you. Your faithful, sacrificial and generous support provides hope, encouragement, inspiration, to choose to live every day intentionally for Christ.
Your generous partnership to help others live an intentional life in Christ … to offer strength and inspiration for listeners like Kay in their walk with Christ.
Kay had only been listening to Intentional Living for a month and heard a teaching that resonated with her:
On my way home from work today, I was listening as you were talking about criticism in marriages and the problems it creates. It’s something I’ve been thinking about personally and trying to do better. After working all day, I go home, and that frustration seems to go to my husband.After that [hearing our program that day] Kay felt inspired to make a difference in her marriage and better honor her husband:
Today I’m going to take a first step and do as you’re saying and try to make my husband feel good about himself and not criticize him as I have been. I thank you, and I love your program. I’m hoping to make some great changes in my life.
Friends like you [partners] who support the truth-filled teachings of Intentional Living truly make a difference in helping listener like Kay walk intentionally with Christ.
Your support keeps Intentional Living on the air to reach listeners like Angie with the life-changing truth of God’s Word.
Angie shared with us how God miraculously worked in her life through your support:
My marriage was falling apart. I called and talked to Dr. Randy Carlson, and began to set a goal, one day at a time, because it was so hard when my husband left to set any long-term goals.
I just wanted to say, “thank you.” Thank you to all the people who were praying for us. My husband and I are together still. I have a better marriage than I did before. Both of us are loving each other, doing the right things, and walking intentionally with Christ. Thank you so much!
Your prayers and support ignite transformation like this every day, equipping and encouraging more people to live intentionally by reminding them to focus their thoughts, hearts, and minds on Christ.
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The key verse for our ministry is: Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it. So… have you figured out what will please
The key verse for our ministry is: Figure out what will please Christ, and then do it. So… have you figured out what will please
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