Forgiveness Means Letting Go

Letting Go

Forgiving yourself for mistakes can be harder than forgiving a friend or family member. But it’s important to move past mistakes in life. If God forgives your trespasses, why can’t you put them in the past? No one gets to the end of their life and says, I wish I had been angrier longer. They […]

Forgiveness, an Antidote for Anger

Angry Man

You’ve heard me talk about the formula for Intentional Living: Information + Insight + Action = Intentional Living. But let me give us another easy equation that’ll help us overcome a malady that infects us all: Anger. It’s Kindness + Love = Forgiveness – drawn out of Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind and compassionate to one […]

Forgiveness in a Shattered World

Church Pews

Rebecca Nichols Alonzo’s family was terrorized when she was a child. Her mother was shot and killed, and her father was seriously injured as 7-year-old Rebecca and her 3-year-old brother watched helplessly. As horrible as the attack was, the author of “The Devil in Pew Number Seven” decided to forgive the perpetrators. She talked about […]

Receiving the Message of Hope

Angry Bullhorn

A freelance writer for the Christian Post recently wrote one of his biggest joys comes from listening to non-believers so that he might be better equipped to witness to them. Thom S. Rainer and his research teams interviewed thousands of non-Christians and found out what they think of Christ followers. He found several trends and […]

Sharing Your Faith at Work

Sharing Your Faith in the Workplace

How can you share your faith at work without being obnoxious or without getting fired? Dr. Randy Carlson, founder of Intentional Living, said life is full of opportunities at the appropriate time. “Be a real kind person, and then be specific,” Dr. Carlson said. “Be specific about how God has made a difference in your […]

Tips for Sharing Your Faith

Football locker sharing faith

When I was a sophomore in high school, I played football. My locker partner, Mike, was good at football. I was OK at it. We were in band together, too, so I knew Mike pretty well. He was the class clown, the one who always kept the band laughing and the football team going. Mike […]