No one can keep going 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without a break. Not even you. Occasionally you need to take a step back as a parent. Children will test your resolve, patience and stamina, and you need time to recharge.
A time of self-examination and re-evaluation of your goals for yourself and your children is important. Set aside a specific time to reflect.
- Put it on your calendar and treat it as your most important appointment. Be sure to schedule your time in a quiet location, where you will not be disturbed.
- Ask yourself—and answer honestly—questions about your parenting. Which parenting techniques were most effective with your children? Did you dispense love and correction in appropriate proportions? What were the triggers that caused you to lose control?
- Develop a list of objectives and rank yourself weekly on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 meaning, “This was a complete struggle,” and 10 meaning, “I did this one exceptionally well.”
You might want to include these objectives:
- “I did not do for my children what they could do for themselves.”
- “I did not overreact when my child overreacted.”
- “My decisions were not altered by anger, tears, cursing or threats.”
- “I provided training, instruction and support as needed.”
Evaluation, adjustments and resets are a critical component of parenting. Make sure you take time to re-charge.
30-Day Challenge
If you could do ONE THING and know that it would make a significant, lasting, possibly life-changing difference in your life, would you do it? Dr. Carlson shares the power of ONE THING and why you should get started doing your ONE THING today.
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