Leadership is a concept a person is either drawn to or one they push away. You may not see yourself as a leader, but without leadership, your family will go in lots of different directions. In fact, Scripture says, Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18). It is the responsibility of the leader to bring vision to a group.
Here are ten characteristics of great leaders to keep in mind as you strive to become a great leader in your marriage, as a parent, in business and in the areas of influence God has given you.
Great leaders:
- Listen to their followers. Listening is an art. It requires discipline and practice.
- Envision a positive future. They have the ability to see a better future than the present.
- Anticipate problems. Leaders are emotionally, spiritually, physically, socially and financially prepared with a plan of action for the unexpected.
- Train their followers. Great leaders come alongside their followers and help them, train them and encourage them in the process they are navigating.
- Expect the best from others. They know you are most likely to receive what you expect from people. If they expect the best, they usually get the best.
- Rely on others. They give those who follow them responsibility. They delegate, hold them accountable and trust that they will follow through.
- Serve their followers. Servant leadership understands it’s not the idea, “I’m in charge; I’m the boss, and I’m barking out the orders. But it’s the realization that “I’m here to serve you. I’m here to help you become successful.”
- Handle the most difficult situations. They show up and model what it means to lead in the middle of a conflict, fray or problem.
- Ignite enthusiasm. Great leaders bring hope and sustainability to others. They keep others going as they move into the future, together.
- Practice what they preach. They not only preach it, but they live it in a way that their actions demonstrate their convictions.
© 2015 by Randy Carlson