“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV)
- Be the “thankful” person you want your child to become. Children love to imitate their parents.
- Commit acts of gratitude to overcome a critical attitude. Cynicism kills our sense of wonder.
- Demonstrate and verbalize your thankfulness for your child. Don’t keep it a secret! (see #4 below)
- Remember that parenting is stewardship, not ownership. Parents who demonstrate reliance upon God teach their kids to do the same. (see #3 above)
- Allow your children to experience the rewards of hard work, receiving the fruit of their labor.
- Help your kids distinguish between needs and wants. (see #7 below)
- Don’t allow your child to be bombarded by media and advertising. (see #6 above)
- Demonstrate grace and mercy in your relationships, especially with your children. Teach by example the virtue of valuing others.
- Don’t compare your children to one another. Celebrating uniqueness and diversity can be constructive. Making one child feel taller by making the other feel smaller is destructive.
- Be a promise-keeper. Trustworthiness instills a proper sense of expectation. Remember, expectations minus reality equals disappointment. Disappointment can lead to ingratitude.
© 2015 by Randy Carlson