Disaster, calamity and hardship are not uncommon to most of us, but a global pandemic brings fear and chaos to the forefront of our lives. Just a teenager at the time, Daniel and thousands of his countrymen were made prisoners, removed from their homeland and deposited into foreign lands. Bound to a life of servitude.
Most known for his time spent untouched in a lion’s den, Daniel lived an extraordinary life as a remarkable servant of God. His story unfolds in the book of Daniel; he is also mentioned in Matthew 24:15. Despite being taken captive, Daniel lived his entire lifetime trusting God.
God used Daniel throughout his lifetime of captivity to influence four different kings: Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar, Babylonian kings, and Darious and Cyrus, Medo-Persian kings. In a land opposed to God, Daniel lived his life without compromise under the watchful eyes of his captors, remaining faithful to who he was and who God purposed him to be. Daniel refused to eat the king’s food, bow to other Gods, or tell leaders what they wanted to hear at the risk of his own life. Daniel trusted God with his life, persisted in prayer, and allowed Him to shape his destiny.
Honestly, it can be difficult to pray at times, or to become distracted with the extraordinary circumstances our world is facing right now. God was faithful in Daniels’ life, including shutting the mouths of extremely hungry lions, to keep him safe.
Daniel’s life is full of many wonderful examples of how to live a life pleasing to God in troubled times. Here are a few to consider:
- Pray daily. Daniel prayed three times a day (Daniel 6:10).
- Maintain your integrity. Do what is right in the eyes of the Lord (Daniel 1:8).
- Wait on God to bring you through. Daniel’s visions gave the captives confidence in God as they waited patiently in faith for God to deliver them (Daniel 9:2).
- Be content in where God places you. Daniel rested in God’s sovereignty.
You can face the unknown with trust in God, knowing He will be with you in even the most extreme situations in life.