You’ve heard the jokes about in-laws. TV shows have make fun of them, sometimes hilariously. “Take my mother-in-law…please,” the punchline goes.
The hard truth behind the laughter is not-so-funny. In-laws can be a thorn in your side. Perhaps your relationships suffer under the strain of wanting to make everyone happy. In-laws can make your marriage or parenting difficult when they disagree with your decisions or argue about how you are raising your children.
There’s hope if you’re willing to reach out to your in-laws during a tough patch in your relationship. It starts with honest, heart-felt conversation.
Three quick tips to help you take to initiate conversation with consistent positive action:
- Identify the problem – What do you believe caused it to get that way? In what ways are you responsible?
- Develop a plan – Don’t allow the problem to fester. Determine how you can resolve it, and then go to the person right away.
- Stay consistent – Once you know the plan, stick to it. Don’t let your emotions change your course of action – and genuinely pray for the person regularly.
30-Day Challenge
If you could do ONE THING and know that it would make a significant, lasting, possibly life-changing difference in your life, would you do it? Dr. Carlson shares the power of ONE THING and why you should get started doing your ONE THING today.
Tell Us
Do you have secrets for getting along with your in-laws? We’d love to hear your success stories. Post your comments below.