Have you ever looked back after the presents have been opened, the food has been eaten and think, I wish Christmas had been more? Each year Christmas comes with great anticipation:
- Expectations of wonderful time with the family and friends.
- Excitement about the gifts you’ve bought for each loved one.
- A hope that the family will all get along this year.
Then, as the front door closes behind the last family member and you’re left with the turkey carcass, do you wish there had been more?
As Christmas approaches, I can’t help but think about those who don’t really know Jesus. I wonder, will they come to know Christ this Christmas season? Will someone come across their path and share the Good News of God’s greatest gift with them?
Then I think about those who struggle with loneliness and isolation. They may know the Lord, but they feel forgotten during this season. They may have family who are too busy with their own lives to visit, or maybe they have no one today. Will they find hope and love this Christmas season?
As believers, we know it’s not only about the gifts you give, the traditions you share, or the joy you get in bringing the family together. Christmas can be everything you ever dreamed it could be—if you become determined to make it intentional.
I am talking about the gift of giving—not presents but a heart of hope that only comes through you to others because of the life you have in Christ. Romans 5:5 says, And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us (NIV).
Christmas is about sharing the love of Christ Jesus. It’s easy to love your friends and family. But what about those who have no hope, no expectation of Christmas in their hearts this year. Refuse to let this be just another Christmas. Make an intentional decision to impact the lives of those who are without hope. Give the gift of God’s love this Christmas season by reaching out to others. If you choose to do so, it can truly be the best Christmas ever!
Suggested Intentional Living Broadcast
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What will you and your family do to include Jesus in your Christmas? How will you share Christ with others?
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